Center for Community Engagement
- establishing positive communication with youth
- engaging the faith community with implementing prevention
- acculturation issues
- opioid abuse awareness
- alcohol and marijuana use prevention
- social host laws
- Building Prevention with Faith toolkit
- Parents' Guides to Talking to Youth about substances, mental health and gambling
- 101 Ways to Praise a Child magnet
- How to seek mental health resources (English Version) (Spanish Version)
Our long-term partners include:
- La Mega media outlet
- Santa Maria Community Services
- Su Casa Ministries
- Apoyo Coalition
- Gr. Cincinnati Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
For More Information:
Amanda Conn Starner, MS, CHES, OCPC
Chief Program Officer
513-751-8000 ext. 13
PF! Building Prevention with Faith
Toolkit & Training
Many individuals and families rely on their faith community for support, connection, help, referral, and personal/spiritual growth. Often faith organizations are structured and positioned to be a strong base for prevention efforts and have the capacity to increase protective factors for youth.
However, many places of worship do not recognize the important and powerful role they can and do play in reducing substance use/misuse in youth and adults.
The PF! Building Prevention with Faith Toolkit is an organized collection of materials and resources that prepare a faith community to provide effective substance misuse prevention activities within the context of their faith tradition. The toolkit and corresponding training are prevention focused.
The goals of our faithbased prevention:
- Provide members of the faith community with substance use/misuse prevention education
- Build relationships among faith community leaders from various denominations and prevention professionals
- Distribute the PF! Building Prevention with Faith Toolkit and provide training to support its use
For More Information:
Amanda Conn Starner, MS, CHES, OCPC
Chief Program Officer
513-751-8000 ext. 13