
Recognizing Local Coalitions - Drug-Free Communities

October 26, 2017
Congratulations to our member coalitions awarded Drug-Free Communities grants!

New grantee - 
Coalition for a Healthy Middletown (yr. 6)

Awarded continuation grants -
Boone County Alliance for Healthy Youth
Butler County Coalition
Campbell County Drug Free Alliance
Coalition for a Drug-Free Batesville
Coalition for a Drug-Free Clermont County
Coalition for a Safe & Drug Free Fairfield
Greater Hamilton Coalition
Greensburg Prevention Group
Madisonville Weed & Seed Coalition
Neighbors Against Substance Abuse
Partners for a Drug Free Milford Miami Twp

The Drug-Free Communities (DFC) program has been a central, bi-partisan component of our nation's substance use/misuse prevention strategies since its passage in 1998. The premise of the DFC program is simple - that communities around the country must be organized and equipped to deal with their individual substance abuse problems in a comprehensive and coordinated manner.

The DFC program recognizes that in order to be sustainable over time it must have community buy-in.
Communities awarded a DFC grant have community wide involvement to reduce youth drug, alcohol and tobacco use, which include: youth, parents, businesses, media, schools, faith-based organizations, law enforcement, health care, and civic groups.

DFC funded coalitions are organized, data driven and take a comprehensive, multi-sector approach to solving and addressing drug issues.

Keep up the great work!