
2020 Ford-Griffith Youth Award: Batesville-MYC

June 18, 2020
Kim Linkel - Batesville MYC
Kim Linkel - Batesville MYC

Carolyn Ford-Griffith Youth of the Year Award – This award is presented to a student or group of students from the tri-state who modeled a drug-free lifestyle, taken an active role in substance use/misuse prevention in their community, and encouraged their peers to be active in substance use/misuse prevention.

The Batesville Mayors Youth Council (MYC) was established over 15 years ago with the mission to immerse young adults with civic engagement and public leadership.  Since its founding, Batesville MYC has continued giving students grades 7 -12 a voice and opportunity to solve community issues from their perspective.  Batesville MYC members also serve as the youth perspective to our elected officials as they lead Batesville into the future.  These students become ambassadors for their hometown and future leaders.  

Three committees make up Batesville MYC: service, healthy kids, and environmental. Youth assigned to these committees then determine and lead projects and goals. The Service Committee partners with Batesville organizations to sponsor events, promote the city, and serve where needed. The Healthy Kids Committee uses peer to peer teaching to educate students on the dangers of risky behaviors. The Environmental Committee focuses on reducing the carbon footprint of Batesville. 

During 2019, MYC members worked hard to implement and participate in a wide variety of initiatives throughout the city and beyond. They had an incredible impact on their community, giving 2,094 hours of service back to Batesville. Batesville MYC impacts our community in many ways, and its members are true leaders who have a voice and have positively impacted the overall landscape of the Batesville community.