
Understanding Youth Technology/Social Media Addiction

Sep 26, 2024
11:30 am - 12:30 pm

Clinical Social Worker/Therapist, Eiden Integrative Counseling

Training Objectives:
  1. Understand and apply the current diagnostics available for assessment of compulsive screen and internet use.
  2. Explore the psychological and neurological underpinning of screen compulsivity to inform clinical practice strategies.
  3. Apply conceptual framework of screen addiction treatment along with specific interventions.

This webinar is provided at no cost. PF! will be applying for Prevention CEUs and CHES hours. The prevention education domain for this session is: P3- Communications.

Importance of Proper Medication Disposal

Nov 8, 2024
11:30 am - 12:30 pm

Richard Stuck, MS, Source Water Protection Manager, Cincinnati Waterworks
Arnetta Longmire MBA, OPSA, Executive Director, Winner Mindset

Proper disposal of medications not only protects the environment but also ensures the safety of others and prevents accidental ingestion.
Improper disposal of pharmaceutical drugs can have serious consequences for the environment, particularly our water systems. This workshop will delve into the issue of drug pollution and water quality, how it happens and its impact, and proper at-home drug disposal.

Training Objectives:

  1. Participants will learn about the importance of proper medication disposal to prevent harmful effects to themselves, others and the environment.  
  2. Participants understand how to address the environmental impact of pharmaceuticals when disposed of incorrectly. Also, how to advocate for responsible disposal practices to safeguard water sources and ecosystems.
  3. Participants will be encouraged to learn how to be a good example of modeling these safe medication practices by using and sharing the resources of Deterra Bags Drug Medical Disposal.

This webinar is provided at no cost. PF! will be applying for Prevention CEUs and CHES hours. The prevention education domain for this session is: P5- Public Policy & Environmental Change.